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St Vincent & the Grenadines

Investment Framework

Office Hours
Most commercial houses open Monday – Friday 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.; some do extended hours 4:30 p.m. – 5:00p.m. Others open on Saturdays as well from 8:00/9:00a.m. to 12 noon.

The official language of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is English, and it is the language for doing business. However, French and Spanish are widely taught on the Island and there are many bi-lingual inhabitants.

The official currency of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is the EC dollar – Eastern Caribbean currency. It is tied to the USD at EC $2.70 = US $1.00. Banks will change notes at US $2.67 to EC $ 1.00 and cheques at EC $2.68 to US $1.00.

The rate for other currencies fluctuates daily, but in addition to the US dollar, the British pound sterling and the Canadian dollar are widely accepted. All major credit cards are accepted at restaurants and Hotels, and American Express, Visa, and MasterCard have representative agents in the State.

The monetary matters are regulated by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank with headquarters in St. Kitts.

DHL and Federal Express maintain fully staffed offices. They are open on weekdays for business.

Post Office
The main post office is situated in the capital, Kingstown (not to be confused with Kingston which is in Jamaica).

To Enter
Valid passport must be carried by all persons entering the multi – island State. However, UK, and USA and Canadian citizens who possess valid picture identification and valid return ticket may use them for entry.


Persons may enter the island through its main airport, the Argyle International Airport (AIA) which was officially opened on February 14th, 2017.

The multi – island state is serviced by LIAT, Mustique Airways, Air Martinique; St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) Air; Air Canada; Inter-Caribbean Airlines; Caribbean Airlines; American Airlines and Virgin Atlantic. The main gateways are the United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Barbados, Grenada, St. Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago.


Central Bank

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Kingstown, St.Vincent
Fax: 1-784-457-2575

Commercial Banks


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Republic Bank
Halifax Street
P. O. Box 237
Kingstown, St. Vincent
Tel: 1-784-457-1601

81 South River Rd., Box 118
Kingstown, St. Vincent
Tel: 1-784-456-1501
Fax: 1-784-456-2141

First St. Vincent Bank Ltd. 
Granby St., Box 154
Kingstown, St. Vincent
Tel: 1-784-456-1873
Fax: 1-784-457-2675

CIBC First Caribbean International Bank
Halifax Street, Box 604
Kingstown, St. Vincent
Tel: 1-784-456-1706
Fax: 1-784-457-2985

Bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Reigate Buiding
Granby Street
Kingstown, St. Vincent
Tel: 1-784-457-1844
Fax: 1-784-457-2612

St. Vincent Cooperative Bank
Cnr. of Long Lane
Upper and South River Rd.
Kingstown, St. Vincent
Tel: 1-784-456-1894
Fax: 1-784-457-2183

Exchange Bureau

Argyle International Airport, Tel: 1-784-458-4943.

Bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Limited issues the Caribbean Credit Card Corporation’s VISA card and MASTERCARD, and provides merchant services.  

CIBC First Caribbean International Bank Limited issues VISA and MASTERCARD card services.

Bank of Nova Scotia – Scotia Bank also issues SCOTIA BACK MASTERCARD.


Halifax Street
Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Tel: 1-784-457-1901
Fax: 1-784-456-1648

SVG Television (Broadcasting Corporation)
Dorsetshire Hill, P.O. Box 617
Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Tel: 1-784-456-1078
Fax: 1-784-456-1015

Digicel (SVG) Ltd.
Halifax Street, Box 810
Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Tel: 1-784-453-3000
Fax: 1-784-453-3010

National Broadcasting Corporation Radio 705
Richmond Hill, P.O. Box 705
Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Tel: 1-784-457-1111/1-784-457-2113
Fax: 1-784-456-2749/1-784-457-2992

Chamber Industry & Commerce 

P.O. Box 134
Hallam Daize Building
Arnos Vale
St. Vincent & The Grenadines
Tel: 1-784-457-1464
Fax: 1-784-456-2944
Email: svgchamber.industry.commerce@gmail.com / svgchamber@svg-cic.org